Title : 2022/23 Ford Escape/Kuga: new illustration...
link : 2022/23 Ford Escape/Kuga: new illustration...
2022/23 Ford Escape/Kuga: new illustration...
The illustration on top shows what the upcoming mid-cycle refresh for the Ford Escape (Kuga in Europe) could look like.
I think it doesn't look as good as what we have now. The super angular grille/headlights don't match the rest of the car at all.
I think the real thing will end up looking more like the revised Focus front end we just saw for China and Europe. And even the all-new Ford Evos (HERE).
I also think Ford will soon adopt these giant super-wide screens in most of their upcoming, redesigned interiors.
It will be an "all-screen, all the time" world...
Thus Article 2022/23 Ford Escape/Kuga: new illustration...
That's an article 2022/23 Ford Escape/Kuga: new illustration... This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
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