Title : 2022 Genesis G70 Wagon: official teasers...
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2022 Genesis G70 Wagon: official teasers...
Genesis released these new official photos of a lightly camouflaged prototype of the 2022 G70 Wagon.
As you can see, the rear door design is different. Otherwise, everything in front of the B-Pillar is probably the same as the sedan.
Powertrains and interior are also expected to be the exact same as the revised sedan.
nad, it is looking increasingly unlikely this will ever be sold in the US. As its main market seems to be Europe. Where Hyundai is currently launching the new Genesis brand.
Thus Article 2022 Genesis G70 Wagon: official teasers...
That's an article 2022 Genesis G70 Wagon: official teasers... This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
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