Title : 2022 VW Lamando: Jetta's nicer brother...
link : 2022 VW Lamando: Jetta's nicer brother...
2022 VW Lamando: Jetta's nicer brother...
While the front end almost looks weird for a VW (only because we are so used to the total lack of personality in their other designs) but I do like it more than our Jetta.
The new Lamando shares its platform with the Jetta (like most other VWs)
But it does seem more modern and has a hatchback. Which would have been a way to make the Jetta stand out in a sea of small compact sedans.
The Lamando is a Chinese market-only model. As it has been for the first generation launched in 2014.
Thus Article 2022 VW Lamando: Jetta's nicer brother...
That's an article 2022 VW Lamando: Jetta's nicer brother... This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
You are now reading the article 2022 VW Lamando: Jetta's nicer brother... with the link address https://caronrepiyu.blogspot.com/2021/07/2022-vw-lamando-jettas-nicer-brother.html
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