RADOPT 2023: workshop on radiation effects on optoelectronics and photonics technologies

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RADOPT 2023: workshop on radiation effects on optoelectronics and photonics technologies

RADOPT 2023: Workshop on Radiation Effects on      Optoelectronic Detectors and Photonics Technologies

28-30 Nov 2023 Toulouse (France)



First Call for Papers

You are cordially invited to participate to the second edition of the RADECS Workshop on Radiation Effects on Optoelectronics and Photonics Technologies (RADOPT 2023) to be held on 28th-30th November 2023 in Toulouse, France.

After the success of RADOPT 2021, this second edition of the workshop, will continue to combine and replace two well-known events from the Photonic Devices and IC’s community: the “Optical Fibers in Radiation Environments Days -FMR and the Radiation effects on Optoelectronic Detectors Workshop, traditionally organized every-two years by the COMET OOE of CNES.

The objective of the workshop is to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of recent developments regarding the use of optoelectronics and photonics technologies in radiation-rich environments The workshop also offers the opportunity to highlight future prospects in the fast-moving space, high energy physics, fusion and fission research fields and to enhance exchanges and collaborations between scientists. Participation of young researchers (PhD) is especially encouraged.
Oral and poster communications are solicited reporting on original research (both experimental and theoretical) in the following areas:

  • Basic Mechanisms of radiation effects on optical properties of materials, devices and systems
  • Silicon Photonics, Photonic Integrated Circuits
  • Solar Cells
  • Cameras, Image sensors and detectors
  • Optically based dosimetry and beam monitoring techniques
  • Fiber optics and fiber-based sensors
  • Optoelectronics components and systems

Abstract Submission and Decision Notification:

Abstracts for both oral and poster presentations can be submitted. The final decision will be taken by the RADOPT Scientific Committee.

·       Abstract submission open: Monday April 3rd, 2023

·       Abstract submission deadline: Friday July 9th, 2023

à Send abstract to clementine.durnez@cnes.fr

Industrial Exhibition

An industrial exhibition will be organized during RADOPT 2023. The location allows the exhibits to be located adjacent to the auditorium where the oral sessions will be delivered. Please contact us for more details.

Thus Article RADOPT 2023: workshop on radiation effects on optoelectronics and photonics technologies

That's an article RADOPT 2023: workshop on radiation effects on optoelectronics and photonics technologies This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.

You are now reading the article RADOPT 2023: workshop on radiation effects on optoelectronics and photonics technologies with the link address https://caronrepiyu.blogspot.com/2023/06/radopt-2023-workshop-on-radiation.html

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