Title : 2022 Mazda CX-50: new illustrations...
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2022 Mazda CX-50: new illustrations...
I think these look great. This would be a great looking update from the current CX-5.
The all-new CX-50 is due out as soon as late this year. Replacing the CX-5.
And as we know, it will be the first model to use Mazda's new RWD platform. (followed by a new Mazda 6 sedan and a CX-9 replacement)
As well as the new 3.0 Liter Inline 6 cylinder.
Apparently, a plug-in hybrid version would also join the lineup. Which would make the new Mazda really competitive.
Let's hope they don't move too far upmarket. We don't need more good expensive cars. We need more great affordable ones.
Not sure about the lower pic showing a bit of the interior. Where the console seems misaligned with the dash. Looking weird. Who knows...
Thus Article 2022 Mazda CX-50: new illustrations...
That's an article 2022 Mazda CX-50: new illustrations... This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
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